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Adhesive cylindrical label
Inserting shrinkable label on round, square or special designed containers made from plastic (PET, Polyethylene, …) , glass and metal containers. Shrinkable plastic (PVC ,…) roll with 35-80 microns thickness . The machine is full automatic in operation and controlled by PLC, servo motors, electronic speed control ( frequency inverter ) and touch screen color monitor. The machine has automatic label feed and cutting mechanisms which is activated by detecting the transparent section between two labels ( sleeve mode )or by selected length (fixed length). The machine has one holder for each container size or design . Most of the machine parts is made of stainless steel 304 and anodized aluminum . All electronic, pneumatic equipments used in machine are from well-known brands in market.
Automatic Label Sleeving Shrink Machine
Inserting shrinkable label on round, square or special designed containers made from plastic (PET, Polyethylene, …) , glass and metal containers. Shrinkable plastic (PVC ,…) roll with 35-80 microns thickness . The machine is full automatic in operation and controlled by PLC, servo motors, electronic speed control ( frequency inverter ) and touch screen color monitor. The machine has automatic label feed and cutting mechanisms which is activated by detecting the transparent section between two labels ( sleeve mode )or by selected length (fixed length). The machine has one holder for each container size or design . Most of the machine parts is made of stainless steel 304 and anodized aluminum . All electronic, pneumatic equipments used in machine are from well-known brands in market.
Capping (One Head) Machine
Suitable for capping all kind of container (PET , Polyethylene)with screw caps and also can be designed for aluminum caps. Include one magnetic head , equipped with the full automatic cap sorting mechanic system. Able to adjust the length of bottle. The machine is full automatic in operation and equipped with electronic speed control (frequency inverter). All the parts in contact with product is made of stainless steel 316 and the machine cladding is made of stainless steel 304. All electronic , pneumatic equipments used in machine are from well-known brands in market.
Capping (Six Head) Machine
Suitable for capping all kind of container (PET, polyethylene) with screw caps and also can be designed for aluminum caps. Include six magnetic head, equipped with the full automatic cap sorting mechanic system.Able to adjust the height of bottle. The machine is full mechanic in operation. The machine is full automatic in operation and equipped with electronic speed control (frequency inverter). All the parts in contact with product is made of stainless steel 316 and the machine cladding is made of stainless steel 304. All electronic components are from well-known brands in market.
Carton Capping and Sealing Machine
This machine is produced with covering and without covering. There is no need to changing parts and is adjustable for listed dimension in table. The body is covered by electrostatic color. All electronic components used in machine are from well-known brands in market.
Carton Sealer Machine
The carton sealer machine is produce in two ways , two motors and three motors. Pasting the glue is simultaneously up and down of the carton. There is no need to changing parts and is adjustable for listed dimension in table. All electronic components used in machine are from well-known brands in market.
Circulating conveyor
Rails are circulation or direct with steel , p.v.c , polyacetal modular conveyors. Used material is stainless steel 304.
Suitable for lift the caps and feeding the cap sort.used material is stainless steel 304. Conveyors material are food crafts p.v.c
Inline Piston Filling Machine
Suitable for filling semi viscous products like edible and industrial oils and detergent … in metal, glass and plastic (PET, polyethylene, … ) containers. The filling principle is volumetric and can be designed 4 to 8 cylinders and pistons. The filling volume is adjusted mechanically and all cylinders are adjusted with single screw. All the parts in contact with products is made of stainless steel 316 and the machine exterior and cladding is made of stainless steel 304. All electronic, pneumatic equipment used in machine are from well-known brands in market.